DeepBrain Chain

DeepBrain Chain DBC

$0.000181 (-8.40%) Baja 24h.
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-0.50% Baja-8.40% Baja-2.88% Baja-33.42% Baja0.14% Sube
DeepBrain Chain Price $0.002
Ranking 883 º
Market Cap $11M
1 bitcoin = 52.19M DBC
Circulating Supply 5,429M
Max Supply 10,000M

Best Price DeepBrain Chain in Markets

Price 0.002
Volume $101K
Price 0.002
Volume $62K

DeepBrain Chain Price Today

DeepBrain Chain price now is $0.002. DeepBrain Chain trading volume for the last 24 hours was $129,788. DeepBrain Chain price moved down -8.40% Baja last 24h.

The current ranking of DeepBrain Chain in is #883, its market capitalization is $10,730,369. The all-time high (ATH) is $0.659 (january 2018).

DBC supply:

The current circulating supply is 5,428,952,299 DBC (54.29% of the Max circulating supply 10,000,000,000 DBC).

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$103,146.19 1.96% Sube 0.33% Sube 9.27% Sube $2,043,625M $122,952M 19.81M BTC
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$1.02 3.27% Sube 1.07% Sube 8.53% Sube $38,271M $3,197M 37,529M ADA
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