Degen (Base)

Degen (Base) DEGEN

$0.000184 (4.52%) Sube 24h.
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0.74% Sube4.52% Sube-35.32% Baja-69.99% Baja79.84% Sube
Degen (Base) Price $0.004
Ranking 434 º
Market Cap $60M
1 bitcoin = 23.40M DEGEN
Circulating Supply 14,180M
Max Supply 36,966M

Best Price Degen (Base) in Markets

Price 0.004
Volume $7K
Price 0.004
Volume $727K
Price 0.004
Volume $7M
Price 0.004
Volume $11M
Price 0.004
Volume $582K
Price 0.004
Volume $377K

Degen (Base) Price Today

Degen (Base) price now is $0.004. Degen (Base) trading volume for the last 24 hours was $35,905,335. Degen (Base) price moved up 4.52% Sube last 24h.

The current ranking of Degen (Base) in is #434, its market capitalization is $60,363,709. The all-time high (ATH) is $0.064 (march 2024).

DEGEN supply:

The current circulating supply is 14,179,608,879 DEGEN (38.36% of the Max circulating supply 36,965,935,954 DEGEN).

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