Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic ETC

$0.485 (-1.82%) Baja 24h.
Buy Buy
-0.17% Baja-1.82% Baja6.74% Sube2.23% Sube12.87% Sube
Ethereum Classic Price $26.14
Ranking 38 º
Market Cap $3,933M
1 bitcoin = 3,976.01 ETC
Circulating Supply 150.42M
Max Supply 210.70M

Best Price Ethereum Classic in Markets

Price 26.05
Volume $360K
Price 26.08
Volume $27M
Price 26.08
Volume $3M
Price 26.08
Volume $12M
Price 26.08
Volume $68M
Price 26.10
Volume $478K

Ethereum Classic Price Today

Ethereum Classic price now is $26.14. Ethereum Classic trading volume for the last 24 hours was $669,403,098. Ethereum Classic price moved down -1.82% Baja last 24h.

The current ranking of Ethereum Classic in is #38, its market capitalization is $3,932,645,675. The all-time high (ATH) is $167.08 (may 2021).

ETC supply:

The current circulating supply is 150,424,730 ETC (71.39% of the Max circulating supply 210,700,000 ETC).

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