PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power CVP

$0.007 (-5.86%) Baja 24h.
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2.47% Sube-5.86% Baja-12.76% Baja48.05% Sube-68.61% Baja
PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power Price $0.117
Ranking 1169 º
Market Cap $4M
1 bitcoin = 883,913.84 CVP
Circulating Supply 32.03M

Best Price PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power in Markets

Price 0.113
Volume $56K
Price 0.113
Volume $763K
Price 0.116
Volume $158K

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power Price Today

PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power price now is $0.117. PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power trading volume for the last 24 hours was $1,457,769. PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power price moved down -5.86% Baja last 24h.

The current ranking of PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power in Beetcoins.com is #1169, its market capitalization is $3,743,533. The all-time high (ATH) is $9.29 (september 2021).

CVP supply:

The current circulating supply is 32,032,529 CVP.

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